Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Prisoner Pantoum

Since writing a pantoum was so much fun, and since I love the Prisoner, I decided to write a pantoum inspired by the Prisoner.

When colors fade to black and white.
The truth is wrong, and facts not right.
When things so close, are not in sight.
Be easier to see in dark, than in light.

The truth is wrong, and facts not right.
You know its not certain, but still, it might,
Be easier to see in dark, than in light.
Is it better, or worse, or all in spite?

You know it's not certain, but still, it might
Reveal the answer without a fight
Is it better, or worse, or all in spite?
Never seen, with a gripe so tight

Reveal the answer without a fight
Speed is still, and black is bright
Never seen, with a gripe so tight
Dreams unknown all through the night

Speed is still, and dark is bright
When things so close are not in sight
Dreams unknown all through the night
When color fades to black and white

1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT! You are doing exactly what I want people to do with the stuff we do in class, which is to APPLY IT! I am going to have to start announcing good blog posts again in STAC. This is dandy!

    Be Seeing You
