After some technical difficulties we finally finished Tell Noone.
Cette film est tres bien! I loved everything about it (even the parts I didn't understand). Normally, I watch movies more under the fluffy, corny romantic comedy genre, so watching a Murder Mystery Thriller was a new experience for me. It makes you think more, that's for sure. You really have to work, and put in some effort in order to enjoy it, very different from many american films that pretty much do all the work for you. Yesterday, I literally had a headache from thinking so much, but it was worth it. Not only was I picking up on twists and turns in the plot, I was also noticing other aspects of the film. Like acting, sound, shots, and of course, metaphor. After only a few short months of STAC, I can't just sit down and watch a movie. I'm always thinking something like "That was shot in the rule of thirds,", or "How many takes did it take them to get that scene?". Some people may find that annoying, but me? I don't mind, it makes me feel intelligent.
...I will definitely "Tell Everyone" I know to see this film.
Bravo! You are no longer a "civilian!" You now know a bit about thing from the inside, the world has opened up for you. It will never be the same!