Sunday, October 2, 2011

Art is not math...

I think it's about time to blog about that amazing trip we had last friday.

Well clearly I've been putting this off, because I really have nothing to say (well, nothing that I can express in words which makes it a little difficult to blog about... maybe I should try interpretive dance?). I mean, Luke says it all the time, there are certain things that just can't be talked about, it's just understood. Which definitely holds true for much of the DADA art we saw, but then for some of it, that doesn't work. It can't be talked about, it really can't be understood, so then what? What am I supposed to do with it then? Well I guess the last thing that's left is emotion. If it can't be talked about, and it can't be understood, then I guess it can only be felt. I don't know about you, but when I'm looking at what is probably a 30 foot statue of a hula dancer, it most definitely makes me feel something. Even if it's only confusion, it gets a reaction out of me doesn't it? It makes me feel something. So wait a second, maybe I do get all this DADA art... or maybe I don't. You know what? It doesn't even matter. 

After all, if I could understand art the way I can understand lets say... a math problem, what would be the point?


  1. You make some points here. Yes, there is a lot one cannot talk about, yet for thousands of years artists have been talking about that which cannot be talked about. Can you imagine Picasso and Matisse getting together and being unable to discuss their work with each other???

    So, Sabrina - how do YOU talk about art? How do YOU talk about what you saw? To say it can't be talked about is a cop out. You're in STAC to learn about how to talk about it.

  2. I guess by focusing on the emotional piece of it rather than worrying about the meaning. That's what gets me. When I'm starring at a piece of modern art that is so crazy, trying to figure out a "deeper meaning" usually seems impossible. So for me, I focus on my reaction to it and how it makes me feel.
