Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's not easy...

Today I was watching and I noticed something pretty cool. First of all the "as-ifs" work like magic. After no more than a minute of doing the exercise, the actors and actresses were completely invested. They were fully committed to doing their "activity" and you could see it in their faces. There was this certain look in their eyes that I saw appear on everyone at least once. I would say it's somewhere between a bright shining light shooting through their pupils, and a starlike glimmering shine. In those moments, when I saw them so engaged and so active, I knew that's what true acting looks like. Of course the best part was they weren't acting, they were simply being. They weren't saying the lines of the script, they weren't putting on a character, they were talking, as themselves, about their lives. That's really all acting is; being yourself, but somehow convincing others you're someone else. And I think you don't even really need to worry about that because the script will take care of it. So to put it plain and simple, if someone where to ask me what acting is, I guess I would say it's nothing more than being yourself. Now when I put it like that it sounds kind of easy. Well, trust me, it's not.

1 comment:

  1. A major dtep forward in your thinking, here. Yes, acting IS being yourself... under imaginary circumstances, including being yourself but behaving in ways you don't normally behave... and it is easy, until you have to do it, and then it's really hard until you get the knack for it.

    So, this is excellent. You see it now.

    Now, can you get to where you have to get to every time?
