Monday, February 11, 2013

A reflection...

The acting workshop with Donald was a success but the performance was a failure. Why? It was more than a lack of rehearsal and performance jitters. Something went terribly wrong. The hard thing about this is that when you're in it it's hard to observe it, but after hearing some feedback I think I have a theory. The scale was too small. In the workshop we worked with a 6x6 ft. box but the stage we performed on was much bigger. It was like translating film acting to theatre theatre acting. The subtleties that worked well in the box simply did not read in the auditorium. Since we were not used to playing in such a big space, we got lost and the energy completely died. The performance was boring as an actor so I can't imagine what it was like for the audience. I'm not sure if this means that this technique is better suited for film or we just didn't apply it correctly. Maybe all we needed was a shot of expresso. I'm not exactly sure what the solution is but at least I have an idea of the problem.

1 comment:

  1. What about your scene specifically? What do you remember from it? How did you feel during it? Did you feel connected to your scene partner? Did anything seem real about it? Did it feel like it did in the classroom - did it attain any of that intimacy?
