Sunday, February 24, 2013


Friday was good. I think I would call it a breakthrough, well a small one at least. It's funny because I was exhausted, not feeling that great, and not really in the mood to be doing this. That was the key though.
When Andrew and I were working on the scene I was mostly focused on memorizing it so I would be able to perform it at 2:15 (and wouldn't get yelled at). I was tired and so I wasn't really focused on the "acting". I wasn't trying and that might have been the best thing I could've done. I didn't realize it at the time but this let me focus on Andrew and not worry about what I was doing. I wasn't concerned about being good and so I wasn't caught up with myself. For the first time in my life I wasn't over analyzing my every move and that was very refreshing. It felt free and easy. This also helped with something else... Nerves. I know it sounds silly because these are my friends but whenever I have to perform for STAC I get nervous. Sometimes nerves help me but other times they kill me. They make me freeze up and stiff and fake. It's the most frustrating thing in the world. A second before it will be fine, but once I'm in front of an audience it suddenly sucks. Of course this is a result of my "self analysis" and since I wasn't doing that here something strange happened. Something that I don't think ever happened before. When I was doing it for the class it was better (and easier even) than when we were doing it alone. I wasn't as aware of the audience as I usually am. Of course there was apart of me that wanted to perform for them and be "good" but even still, most of my attention was on Andrew. As I was doing the scene I didn't have this false sense of acting like I usually do. It didn't feel like acting at all. It was just me and Andrew having a conversation with words that weren't our own. I was truly present. I'm not really sure what else to say. I don't really think the answer is I have to be tired whenever I act. I wish there was an answer. Like a formula or something that I could use to get me to this place. Of course there is not. All I can do is try not to be so self-analytical, which will help me as an actress and a person.

1 comment:

  1. Most excellent. That tiredness - that is a key, isn;t it? To tired to fight yourself or anyone, so you sort of surrender and then off you go.

    And also key is that your attention was so rooted on Andrew, which is right where it was suppose to be.

